Recent News
- The first paper topic is due Monday, November 3, in class.
- Link added on Spinoza’s theory of the emotions.
Here are some links to Web pages devoted to Spinoza and Leibniz ‘SEP’ indicates Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, and ‘IEP’ indicates Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- General
- Spinoza
- The Life of Spinoza (Colerus, 1705)
- Baruch Spinoza, SEP
- Spinoza, Benedict De (1632-1677), IEP
- Spinoza’s Modal Metaphysics, SEP
- Spinoza’s Psychological Theory, SEP
- Spinoza’s Physical Theory, SEP
- Spinoza’s Theory of Attributes, SEP
- Leibniz
- Leibniz Biography
- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, SEP
- Leibniz’s Logic
- The Logic of Leibniz (partial translation), Louis Couturat
- Leibniz on Causation, SEP
- Gottfried Leibniz: Causation, IEP
- Leibniz’s Modal Metaphysics, SEP
- Gottfried Leibniz: Metaphysics, IEP
- Leibniz’s Philosophy of Physics, SEP
- Leibniz’s Philosophy of Mind, SEP
- Gottfried Leibniz: Philosophy of Mind, IEP
- Summary of the Leibniz-Arnauld correspondence, on the topic of freedom